How To Make A Girl Like You Over Text Messaging
When most men text a girl they like, they basically do it wrong. If you have ever been in the position of never hearing from a girl with whom you have exchanged a few texts, you probably committed one or several of the following mistakes:
With that being said, the key to texting a girl is not to over do it. You don't want to be texting her all day, everyday. Even if she text you back every single time, it still lowers your value and make it seem like you have nothing better going on in your life.Now I'm not saying that you should never reply to a girls text right way. You can. Just mix it up a little bit and keep it unpredictable. Sometime wait 10 minutes. Sometime wait an hour. And sometime just leave her hanging.That's right. When ever possible, you should let her have the last word in the conversation by not replying to her text. By doing this you leave and open loop in her mind and it gets her thinking about you, wondering if you'll text back.
Another good rule is to match or beat her respond time. If it takes her 15 minutes to reply to your text, then you should take 15 minutes (or a few minutes more) to reply to her. Childish? Yes. But it keeps you in control of the interaction and it works to build attraction.Here's another tip. Don't text a girl between the hours of 8 PM and 1 AM on Friday and Saturday. Why? Because those are going out time for most people and texting her at those hours will make it seem like you don't have anything better to do on the weekends.
Another thing that can set you apart from everyone else is conveying fun. If you manage to get her out of the boredom of the day, you will certainly win points. What's more, she'll be anxious to go out with you, because she will know you can make her enjoy herself. Too often, creating a certain emotion in a woman is underrated. But that is how women work: on emotions. So, if you keep that in mind you will have another advantage on all the other (possible) guys.
After you get the girl to commit somewhat to the conversation you can use "The WAITER" technique which is basically used to make the girl wait on a response from you wait until you get to a hook point (it must be something significant) and then simply sit on it and don't respond for up to 4-6 hours depending on the level of commitment you have from the girl use this technique sparingly.
And the important thing to remember is that your text to her should not be needy or angry. In fact, the attitude to take is that you didn't even notice that she didn't text you back and just start the conversation with some random thread.
You have two options to get the cell phone number - ask her yourself or you ask her friends. The latter can be creepy and unless she has a crush on you, there is a high chance that she might not reply to your test messages or even your calls. It would be a smooth and cool move to ask for her number personally. If she gives you her number, there is hope that she's interested as well. Now, she has a reason to expect for your texts and you will not be intruding her privacy.
Not over doing your text messages is important. You don't want to overwhelm her with too many texts or she'll get tired of them and you'll blow it. Most girls like guys who are not desperate, so you don't want to seem needy.Sending her a humorous text will help when trying to connect. You need to know some special tricks for humor which are covered in the eBook below.
Being to serious or deep is a sure-fire way of losing a new friend. This rubs off on girls the wrong way and can pass on negative, and depressing vibes, which you don't want. Being happy or playful will give her good feelings, and when she thinks of you, she will have good thoughts, which will give you a long-lasting benefit. It could also divert their attention from problems they might have, and help them to look at the brighter side of things, which is a big help sometimes.
Find out what will work for the girl - a text message or phone call. Old fashioned girls usually prefer men who call them up over the phone rather than receiving a text. Try to observe her and if she's texting most of the time, this can be a great tool to get a date.Making a good first impression is vital. What are the things that interest her? If you got her number by asking it personally, you'll know what to say. You can ask her directly for a date or you can request for her to accompany you on a certain event or activity. On your first text message, don't forget to inform her who you area or where you've met her.
With that being said, the key to texting a girl is not to over do it. You don't want to be texting her all day, everyday. Even if she text you back every single time, it still lowers your value and make it seem like you have nothing better going on in your life.Now I'm not saying that you should never reply to a girls text right way. You can. Just mix it up a little bit and keep it unpredictable. Sometime wait 10 minutes. Sometime wait an hour. And sometime just leave her hanging.That's right. When ever possible, you should let her have the last word in the conversation by not replying to her text. By doing this you leave and open loop in her mind and it gets her thinking about you, wondering if you'll text back.
Another good rule is to match or beat her respond time. If it takes her 15 minutes to reply to your text, then you should take 15 minutes (or a few minutes more) to reply to her. Childish? Yes. But it keeps you in control of the interaction and it works to build attraction.Here's another tip. Don't text a girl between the hours of 8 PM and 1 AM on Friday and Saturday. Why? Because those are going out time for most people and texting her at those hours will make it seem like you don't have anything better to do on the weekends.
Another thing that can set you apart from everyone else is conveying fun. If you manage to get her out of the boredom of the day, you will certainly win points. What's more, she'll be anxious to go out with you, because she will know you can make her enjoy herself. Too often, creating a certain emotion in a woman is underrated. But that is how women work: on emotions. So, if you keep that in mind you will have another advantage on all the other (possible) guys.
After you get the girl to commit somewhat to the conversation you can use "The WAITER" technique which is basically used to make the girl wait on a response from you wait until you get to a hook point (it must be something significant) and then simply sit on it and don't respond for up to 4-6 hours depending on the level of commitment you have from the girl use this technique sparingly.
And the important thing to remember is that your text to her should not be needy or angry. In fact, the attitude to take is that you didn't even notice that she didn't text you back and just start the conversation with some random thread.
You have two options to get the cell phone number - ask her yourself or you ask her friends. The latter can be creepy and unless she has a crush on you, there is a high chance that she might not reply to your test messages or even your calls. It would be a smooth and cool move to ask for her number personally. If she gives you her number, there is hope that she's interested as well. Now, she has a reason to expect for your texts and you will not be intruding her privacy.
Not over doing your text messages is important. You don't want to overwhelm her with too many texts or she'll get tired of them and you'll blow it. Most girls like guys who are not desperate, so you don't want to seem needy.Sending her a humorous text will help when trying to connect. You need to know some special tricks for humor which are covered in the eBook below.
Being to serious or deep is a sure-fire way of losing a new friend. This rubs off on girls the wrong way and can pass on negative, and depressing vibes, which you don't want. Being happy or playful will give her good feelings, and when she thinks of you, she will have good thoughts, which will give you a long-lasting benefit. It could also divert their attention from problems they might have, and help them to look at the brighter side of things, which is a big help sometimes.
Find out what will work for the girl - a text message or phone call. Old fashioned girls usually prefer men who call them up over the phone rather than receiving a text. Try to observe her and if she's texting most of the time, this can be a great tool to get a date.Making a good first impression is vital. What are the things that interest her? If you got her number by asking it personally, you'll know what to say. You can ask her directly for a date or you can request for her to accompany you on a certain event or activity. On your first text message, don't forget to inform her who you area or where you've met her.
About the Author:
Read more about How To Text A Girl You Like , and also watch out on Pick Up Lines For Girls for your needs.
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Title: How To Make A Girl Like You Over Text Messaging
Author: Darwin van Panhuis
Keywords: how to text a girl you like,what to text a girl you like,texting a girl you like,things to text a girl you like,questions to ask a girl you like over text,cute things to text a girl you like,text a girl you like,funny things to text a girl you like,sweet things to text a girl you like,things to say to a girl you like over text
Word Count: 871
Category: Relationships
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