Selasa, 02 April 2013

Unique Content Article: How To Create Solar Panel

How To Create Solar Panel

by William V. Wainscott

When there is a shortage in electricity, a solar panel is useful especially. However, these are very expensive that is why many people want to build their own solar panels. Building a solar panel is a very easy task. Gather the tools and components that will be used. If possible, gather information in book or in the internet. , if its parts are not available you can search it in Google or eBay.

In purchasing a solar panel, you can use a voltmeter for testing to make sure that it will work properly. Also, for a solar panel to produce 100 watts of electric power, 80 cells can make it. If for instance you wanted to have an 18 volt battery, you will need 36 solar cells each .5 volts.

For areas that don't get much sunlight, you will need to determine the amount of energy that each cell will be produced. You can then cut the dimension of the plywood that is enough for the solar cells to fit. After you cut, apply the UV-ray protective varnish. For the solar cells, use a Rosin flux pen in applying flux to the bus strips on the solar cells. This is important so that your wiring is connected properly and the ribbons will adhere completely. You can then connect the solar cells to each other.

After connecting the solar cells, fix them accordingly to the plywood panel. You can use silicon when fixing. Have two unattached wires that hang from the connected solar panel, drill two holes so that your wires will be exposed through it. Seal the gaps around the holes with the silicon.

After connecting the solar cells, fix them accordingly to the plywood panel. You can use silicon when fixing. Then, have two unattached wires that hang from the connected solar panel, drill two holes so that your wires will be exposed through it. Seal the gaps around the holes with the silicon.

These are very expensive that is why many people want to build their own solar panels. For a solar panel to produce 100 watts of electric power, 80 cells can make it. For the solar cells, use a Rosin flux pen in applying flux to the bus strips on the solar cells. After connecting the solar cells, fix them accordingly to the plywood panel.

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New Unique Article!

Title: How To Create Solar Panel
Author: William V. Wainscott
Email: albert@4trustedadvice.com
Keywords: solar power panels, diy solar panels, how do solar panels work, solar panels efficiency, solar energy
Word Count: 381
Category: Home Improvement

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