Jumat, 07 Desember 2012

Unique Content Article: Funeral Customs Of Different Christian Beliefs

Funeral Customs Of Different Christian Beliefs

by Anne Gable

When a person dies, Christians believe that God will judge them. After their life on earth, they either go to heaven or hell. Other Christians also believe in purgatory, a place where the dead go to if they had done forgivable sins. For Christians, a funeral is where family and friends gather to give thanks for and honour the life of the dead on earth. It is also where they mourn for the lost of their loved one. The Christian faith has many denominations. Each one practices slightly various funeral customs from the next.

For example, Catholic Christians keep a vigil for the departed before the funeral. A vigil is a service of homilies, prayers, and songs. Funeral services can be held in a church, in a funeral home, or at the house of the dead. Catholic funerals may also conduct a procession to the church or the burial site from the funeral house.

On the other hand, Protestant Christians observe different funeral customs. There are similarities as well, dependant upon the denomination of the Protestantism belief. Many of them conduct the funeral at a church or at a funeral home within three days of the death. Guests can contribute to the funeral by giving food and flowers. although playing of worship music is permitted, most Protestant funerals are solemn and tranquil affairs.

A lot of times, the traditions of a country make up most of the variations in Christian funeral practices. In Singapore, Christian funeral wakes are normally held in an HDB block where the deceased lived or their family lives or in a funeral parlour. Funeral for Christian Singapore practices usually incorporate Singapore customs, though they also observe the protocols of Protestantism or Catholic belief.

Just like other funeral services, Christian funerals are held with deference for the deceased in mind. They are normally held within three to seven days after the death and may include mass and rites led by a priest or a minister. Although the majority are sombre affairs, some sects encourage a joyful celebration during the funeral to remember the life that the dead had lived. Visitors are allowed and even encouraged to offer aid in the form of money or in kind. They may give flowers, food, or even donations to the chosen charity of the deceased's family.

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New Unique Article!

Title: Funeral Customs Of Different Christian Beliefs
Author: Anne Gable
Email: Buy1GIVE1@gmail.com
Keywords: catholic funeral,protestant funeral,christian sect,burial,memorial service
Word Count: 395
Category: Holy Spirit

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