Plaque is considered to be a soft-deposit. It settles on teeth and gums. In its soft, initial stage, plaque is easy to brush off the teeth. The inorganic compounds in plaque, mainly calcium and phosphorus, are what create the larger problem. These inorganic compounds are derived largely from saliva. When left on the teeth, the inorganic compounds harden. Once the plaque has calcified it cannot be brushed away. The process of the hardening of the plaque is referred to calcification, and the resulting hard layer is called calculus. The calculus leaves a rough surface on the tooth, which in turn provides an even more welcome surface for yet more plaque to gather and multiply.
Besides the most expensive part of dentistry are cosmetic, orthodontics, bridges, braces, etc. So a lot of these plans you can max out with only one member of the family if there is a lot of work to be done. So a lot of people consequently do not carry any kind of dental insurance at all. This is sad to say the least. So how can most individuals or families cut down on the expense of costly dental procedures?
Both common dental procedures and more uncommon procedures are now being done with lasers. Some common treatments include filling cavities. Lasers are being used to clean away the decay and prepare the cavity to accept a filling. The lasers are also used to harden the material used to fill the tooth. Teeth whitening is another procedure that is now commonly done with lasers, although a laser is not specifically used. The teeth are treated with a gel and a light is then trained on the teeth. The reaction between the light and the gel removes the stains from the teeth.
The upshot is that un-brushed teeth become a welcome environment for all manner of bacteria. Not only does unattended plaque threaten the health of the teeth and gums, but other health issues are now being connected to poor oral care. Heart disease, asthma, stroke and even cancers are now being discovered to contain the same cells that are found in plaque, leading scientists to make a link between poor dental care and larger health issues. The best way to combat future problems is to brush regularly and see a Daly dentist twice a year for a dental check-up and a cleaning.
by Rhonda Benjamin
Want to find out more about Daly dentists, then visit Rhonda Benjamin's site on how to choose the best Daly dentists for your needs.
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