With fall finally upon us, many people are happy that the summer slump has come to an end and hope their business picks up to pre-summer levels. Businesses are also turning to more creative ways to increase their sales.
Creative marketing can begin with specifically asking customers what their needs are and how those needs can be fulfilled. It may lead a business to change their focus, define their products and/or services in a different or additional way. Customers are usually pleased to know their responses are not only important, but taken seriously. To a business, it can mean the difference between keeping customers or losing customers.
Changing the look and style of the marketing materials can grab attention that previously was dismissed. Adding a promotional coupon or service based on customer feedback can also get the attention of new customers.
Reviewing each employee’s job in a company can help maintain strong customer allegiance. It’s imperative in today’s economy that each employee not only knows his job, but gives that little extra to the customer whether it’s just being a polite, helpful voice on the phone or understanding their job so thoroughly that the customer has full confidence in their ability to resolve an issue. Whether an employee needs further training or has the ability to learn another part of the business, these needs should be assessed and provided to keep everyone in the company doing their best.
Companies often walk a fine line with customers. It’s not always the service and/or product available; it’s the way it’s presented. Today’s economy may be tough, but it can also give us the opportunity to rethink our focus and goals with a view towards positive, productive change.

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1 komentar:
To be creative???
Open the pict..
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